Are you looking for like-minded

and like ❤️ people ?

This website is our calling card to come in touch with  people of kind. 

What do people of kind share? 

Would you value being truly Happy? 

Being happy is a natural state of our True Self. If our state of happiness is reduced or even lost then how to regain it? In fact, to be happy is actually a natural process when you KNOW HOW.

The men and women of My Happy Femily learned that one of the major ingredients is the value’s we share. 

To discover our CORE values we had to learn to distinguish between what is ‘of True Value’ from what is ‘of lesser value’.   A fundamental piece of Wisdom when one seeks direction and happiness in life. 

When you are seeking valuable relationships to manifest something meaningful and significant together, you found the right people to engage with. 

From our perspective we consider you as one of our brothers or sisters, because we are of the one human femily indigenous to this planet. When there are shared values that indicates a collective mission we might learn how to contribute and discover in the process how to become living examples for others to be inspired by. 

Especially today constructive living examples are needed, when the Great Waves of Change are sweeping across this planet and more and more people are becoming confused and don’t know anymore what to do or who or what to trust. 

Now is the time for people of kind to come together and be the first to unite, despite our differences, despite our social-, religious-, or spiritual beliefs. 

We invite you to become part of a team of dedicated and compassionate people like you, who are capable to connect to the Creator of all Life and are willing, whatever it takes, to build together a sustainable foundation for the generations to come. 

Do you resonate with this? 

To find out, your invited to make the first step to connect.

Coming together is the beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success. 

From ❤️to ❤️ man and woman of My H ❤️ppy Femily 


Any man or woman who does use this website or any other sharing of time, does so in their own right, and does agree to the following laws which govern this website and our engagement;

this website or any other sharing of time, is provided by i: man or woman; the international team of many man and woman, on an ‘as is’ basis, i, and others of mankind do offer our time and property through this website; we of mankind consider this website and other forms of sharing our property;

you enter this website or any other form of engagement with i, as a man or woman only;

for to use this site you hereby agree to be responsible for your own actions and for the consequences of how you apply any of the knowledge you may gain here from we of mankind;

when you donate for our time, you do so as a man or woman;

all donations are given before time will be shared;

we expect that you respect our time as we consider our time valuable, and will not continue to give of our time where there is no respect;

where those of Mankind do form a group that you are one of, we expect that you are respectful to those of mankind who at times act as a said group; if you are not respectful, you will be given a notice, upon your third notice, you will be removed from the group and or website;

if you open an account on this website, signed up for self-care support, gatherings or signed up for a mailing list, you are responsible for all your activities that occur under your account or password, or how you choose to apply knowledge shared; you take full responsibility for any content you post on this website, share in gatherings or in any other form express; we reserve the right to terminate your account or to remove or edit any content you post or share at our sole discretion;

any property that we as mankind did create, we hereby claim as our property; you agree not to share, or sell our property without our explicit written consent;

any information you provide to this site or contribute to gatherings, you do so in the private; we consider the information you provide as your property, unless it was contributed to a collect project you shared your property with, for this input is now part of the property of the man and woman organizing the project; we will respect your property and keep it private; we do not store details online; we do not store credit or debit card numbers;

you allow us to place information on the hard drive of your computer in the form of so called cookies, which you can remove or decline at any time;

you can request a copy of any information that we hold about you; you can also request that we delete your information;

we reserve the right to change these laws from time to time as we see fit and your continued use of the site or any support available or attending gatherings will signify your acceptance of any adjustment to these laws; we therefore advise you to re-read these laws on a regular basis;

these laws form part of the agreement between you, the man/woman, and i: man or woman and any other man or woman who does share their time or property with you through process within the dynamic of My Happy Femily; your use of any process that is generated indicates your acceptance of these laws; if you do not accept these laws, we ask that you leave immediately;

to ask questions in regard to these laws you can contact us via this link and ask your question.

For more information ; “about being in the private” click on the image below!
