High frequency objects &

special Minerals A

Citrine Crystal 

Suggested Blessing € 897,-

Citrine Crystal, to get the sun in your home, rare piece with ‘light from within’


  • Weight:    
  • length:
  • hight:
  • width:

Extraordinary Feng Shui Rose Quartz point

Extraordinary Feng Shui Rose Quartz point (A) :   This large beautiful Rose Quartz is good for grounding, love, empathy, prosperity, stability, health, beauty, fertility, psychic abilities and growth. The shape creates a smooth flow and increase of life energy (Chi) in the North-East corner known as the love and relationship corner. Rare piece


Suggested Blessing €  997,-

Details abt.:

Weight:     xxx gram

Hight:       mm

depth:          mm

width:          mm

Crystal Cluster

Quarts Crystal Cluster (reserved)

Unique piece of mother nature . . . . 

Details abt.:

  • Weight:    
  • length:
  • hight:
  • width:

Suggested Blessing € 1597,-

Rare Yellow Calcite with Angel Quarts ‘flowers’

Suggested Blessing € 1997,-

Rare Yellow Calcite & Angel Quartz ‘flowers’

Unique piece of mother nature to upgrade the life-chi in your room or office. It also grounds you the energies to not be lost. The almost square like Calcite pieces asks for structure in a gentle way, to give you the trellis to allow something of great value in your life or business ‘grow’ naturally. 

Details abt.:

  • Weight:    
  • length:
  • hight:
  • width:

Deep Orange Calcite Sphere

Suggested Blessing € 1197,-

 Beautiful deep orange calcite sphere weighing 5.2 kg. (A)  

It supports energy amplification, new inspiration, creativity, optimism, joy, vitality, libido enhancement, inner balance, harmony, creativity, self-empowerment, and emotional intelligence.

As the ultimate emotional harmonizer, it equally awakens spiritual and psychological gifts/qualities.

Details abt.:

  • Weight:      5.2kg   
  • Diameter:  150 mm

Suggested Blessing € 297,-

Celestine Fine

 This sky blue stone is often used to improve access to cosmic realms, which can open up your mind for better clarity in your daily life here on Earth.One of it’s healing abilities is to get rid of negative thought-forms and a new start can be made. This one helps you get clear on the finest details in your life.

Details abt.: