Statues, Jewels &

other Energetic Art C

Mosi a Maasai Lady, collectors item

Mosi a Maasai Lady with pitcher

Mosi draws 'the water of life' from the spring in her pitcher, thereby stirring life energy in herself, her people, on the land and for livestock. With her generous smile and tireless commitment to fetch water of life, everyone is fit and vital to collectively contribute to viable futures. 

An extraordinary almost lifelike Maasai sculpture overlaid with bronze. Exceptionally crisp details of highly refined workmanship. She is from a limited edition and therefore a collector's item. With Mosi in your home, you bring in a special life energy of joy, which makes you happy every time you see her and admire the details in rapture. 

The Maasai, a special people of tall vibrant & cheerful people

The Maasai have a long and complex history and their origins are shrouded in mystery. The Maasai follow a monotheistic belief system, with one God known as Engai or Enkai. Mosi draws 'the water of life' from the spring in her pitcher, thereby stirring life energy in herself, her people, on the land and for livestock. With her generous smile and tireless commitment to fetch water of life, everyone is fit and vital to collectively contribute to viable futures. 

An extraordinary almost lifelike Maasai sculpture overlaid with bronze. Exceptionally crisp details of highly refined workmanship. She is no.1169 of 2000, limited edition and therefore a collector's item. With Mosi in your home, you bring in a special life energy of joy, which makes you happy every time you see her and admire the details in rapture. 

The Maasai, a special people of tall vibrant & cheerful people

The Maasai have a long and complex history and their origins are shrouded in mystery. The Maasai follow a monotheistic belief system, with one God known as Engai or Enkai. 

The Maasai tribe is a traditional African pastoralist community known for its rich culture, vibrant traditions and unique way of life. Found in Kenya and Tanzania, the Maasai people wear distinctive colourful clothing, have special cultural customs and have close ties to the land. Members of the tribe are semi-nomadic people who depend on their cattle for their livelihood. They are skilled herders and have a deep understanding of the land and its animals. The Maasai are also known for their strong warrior culture and their young men undergo rigorous training to become warriors and protect their community. They live in traditional villages called manyattas, which consist of round huts made of clay called bomas. These boma's are built by the women. One family lives in each boma and the manyattas are organized according to age groups, groups of people born in the same year. 

More recently, the Maasai have resisted urgings from the Kenyan and Tanzanian governments to adopt a more sedentary lifestyle and send their children to government-approved educational institutions. This resistance is because the Maasai believe that most people go to school to learn how to become rich, and they believe they are already rich because of the richness of their culture and lifestyle.

Suggested Blessing € 997,-

Details abt.:

Weight:     1817 gram

Hight:        340 mm

depth:            70 mm

width:            80 mm

Ganesha, universal wisdom for the success of new initiatives

Ganesha is the patron saint of writers, travelers, students, merchants and entrepreneurs. He removes obstacles that stand in the way of new initiatives or projects.

Many see the union of Ganesha's body and elephant head as a representation of how the mind should live in harmony with nature. His large elephant head is also an embodiment of wisdom and understanding. His round belly can be seen as the cosmos, while the serpent around his clothes is the energy that holds the cosmos together. He keeps "the wandering minds of our impulses and habits" in check under the weight of knowledge. He has four hands - one with an ax to chop off appendages (things that don't matter or get in the way), one with a rope to pull someone to the highest goal, one with a candy to help them reward those who live a life of spiritual discipline, and one with the palm outward to bestow blessings and protect those who are on the path of spirituality.

In short; a patron saint who endows promising initiatives with wisdom and insight for the greatest chance of success.

Special mention regarding Ganesha: This Ganesha is NOT made of ivory but of an 'elephant bone' found in nature. Every detail of Ganesha has been depicted by the artist in a very artful way and a high-quality and very refined Ganesha has been born, which you will not just encounter anywhere else and makes this a particularly rare specimen of exceptional class.

Get his qualities in your home and or company with this Ganesha:

Removal of obstacles in new initiatives such as business, innovation, marriage, childbirth, or a spiritual journey.

Guarding the profound knowledge, wisdom and intelligence through reverence and respect.

Ganesha, known for his sharp memory and subtle intellect, was asked to be the historian of mankind. Ganesha agreed, on the condition that he was not allowed to write down an episode until he had fully understood its essence.

All priceless qualities that anyone who wants to write his or her story in the permanent book of universal life desires.

Suggested Blessing € 1997,-

Highly refined and detailed Ganesha, collectors item

Details abt.:

Weight:     . . .  gram

Hight:            . . . mm

depth:            . .  mm

width:            . .  mm

Unique Picasso Jasper Elephant

Suggested Blessing € 697,-

Unique Picasso Jasper Elephant

A lifelike elephant handmade from Picasso Jasper

With this elephant in your home, you bring strength, protection and wisdom to your family and those around you. 

The elephant is the most intelligent, oldest and strongest animal on land, is not distracted by what it sees, but is highly sensitive with smell and sound, so it 'knows' far in advance what is coming, the elephant is known for its brilliant ability to distinguish between "what looks good" and "what is right" to protect its family, guarding the ecology in which it lives. An elephant herd follows the lead of the wisest female. All core qualities that every human being needs today to take the right next step in your evolution. 

Place the stone in the south-east corner of the room for the best Feng Shui spot 

The meaning of Picasso Jasper is "Stone of the Artist"

Picasso Jasper symbolizes creativity, grounding and transformation. The unique patterns and colours of this special gemstone remind us of the constant evolution of life and the endless possibilities in each of us. 

Its resemblance to abstract art has made it popular with artists and creative souls looking to tap into their artistic potential. Its grounding properties encourage self-discipline and inner strength and provide a stable foundation to face life's challenges and opportunities. 

Picasso Jasper reminds us of our capacity for personal transformation and adaptability. 

This gemstone strengthens relationships, promotes deeper connections and more genuine communication between individuals.

Picasso Jasper is a source of inspiration. You can use the stone's creative energy to overcome creative blocks, enhance your artistic expression or increase your capacity to express your deepest feelings and insights constructively and creatively.


  • Weight:    1019 gram
  • Length:    190 mm
  • Hight:     130 mm
  • Depth:       90 mm

Rare Blue Agate Buddha with connection

Rare Blue Agate Buddha with connection

The Buddha represents 'the inner path to freedom from matter through our connection to source'. The Buddha gives us tools to look objectively at everything in life. How do we increase our powers of discernment? Do we start seeing the difference between 'what seems to be good' and 'what is really good'.  Our happiness and prosperity depends on correct judgement. 

In other words, how do we keep our assumptions, fixed beliefs, personal preferences and judgements at bay? Making objective perceiving possible. Once we start practising this, something fundamental changes within us and the stress of making the right choices is discharged within us, opening us to new and different points of view and therefore a different outcome. 

By placing this relaxed and joyful 'Agate Buddha with connection' in our environment, we are reminded every moment that our inner freedom to connect with our core, and thereby attract happiness, and prosperity, and it is there for us and our loved ones. 

Some properties of Blue Agate:

Blue Agate provides flow and movement. Harmonizes the relationship between physical and subtle bodies. This agate teaches you to accept and let go of the old. The stone also enhances concentration, logical thinking and encourages renewal in body and mind. The stone also strengthens self-esteem in people with fear of failure and has a detoxifying effect on body and mind. This stone teaches you to look for solutions and not to fixate on problems. The stone has a positive effect on cellular memory in  case of depression and emotional repression. The stone also works positively on detoxification, sensuality, fertility, brain, oxygenation, circulation, nervous system, skin, gastrointestinal cramps, nausea, and multidimensional healing. 

Spiritually; this blue Agate raises your consciousness, connects you to the oneness of life and helps to transform negative energies. Agate encourages conscious 'digestion' of life experiences and leads to spiritual maturity. It is a stone of acceptance and self-confidence that encourages sincerity and speaking the truth.

Very unique is the dendrite that precisely points to the centre of the Buddha. 

A mighty beautiful specimen that radiates happiness, joy, and life energy into your environment.

Details abt.:

  • Weight:    3785 gram
  • with:            230 mm
  • hight:          160 mm
  • depth:        115 mm

Suggested Blessing € 1997,-

 Exquisitely detailed Panther Duo with Ocean Jasper sphere

Exquisitely detailed Ocean Jasper sphere & 2 Panthers

Symbol of the power of working together from your 'true' core

Having a panther in your home brings with it strength, protection, self-improvement, grace, power, emotional intelligence and, critical thinking. If you put it somewhere you look at often, it helps remind you of your inner strength

The power of you as an individual. 

Why 2 Panthers? 

The panther is a powerful and intelligent animal that craves knowledge. People with abilities in communication or leadership are supported by the panther in their task of leading in more difficult times. Two panthers in your home or office symbolises an added power that is essential just now, the power of COOPERATION

Individually we do wonders every day, but the impossible we do together. 

The best Feng Shui place is to the east of your home and or office for development and growth (also a career). 

Special mention regarding the 2 panthers: these 2 panthers are life-like made. The artist must have a deep connection with the panther's being to depict their power in the right form. It is a clever feat to achieve such a detailed lifelike representation in natural stone. 

Both panthers firmly set the core qualities of the panther and together with the Ocean Jasper sphere, you draw strength, stamina, and wisdom from a deliberate place within yourself to act or convey your message/signs constructively, in your home and or office.

The meaning of Ocean Jasper is "Ocean Stone".

Ocean Jasper represents the power and energy of the ocean and is associated with the element Water. The swirling patterns and colours of the stone represent the ebb and flow and evoke calmness, relaxation, clear thinking, and emotional balance.

The stone is associated with self-expression, creativity and spiritual growth. It enhances communication, stimulates creativity and promotes a positive outlook on life. Ocean Jasper helps you adapt to change and overcome obstacles gracefully and easily.

You can use Ocean Jasper in future planning, meditation, crystal healing and spiritual practices to connect with the energy of the ocean and promote emotional balance, creativity and personal growth from your true core, in other words that part in yourself that represents your 'true self' and is connected to the creator of all life.

Details panther 1 abt.:                                                             Details panther 2 abt.:  

  • Weight:   220 gram                                                                 Weight:   212 gram
  • length:        150 mm
  • hight:             60 mm
  • depth:           40 mm

Details Sphere abt.:

weight:             4139 gram

Diameter:           150 mm

Tibetan Healing Wand

Suggested Blessing € 1997,-

Suggested Blessing € 497,-

 Tibetan Healing Wand(C), 

This wand contains: Rose-Crystal Sphere, King of Metal Double Dorje and Quartz Crystal point including small gemstones. This Tibetan Healing Wand was handmade in Nepal by Tibetan monks, using ancient knowledge of the power of crystals to energize, balance & positively affect with this wand the subtle energies of the body.