Zoom Meetings

My H❤️ppy Femily

Meet, Share & Care with new people and Knowledge

The world is changing rapidly and presenting us with new situations to which we do not immediately have an answer. Especially issues concerning our mental and physical vitality are in need for an up-to-date approach from a different perspective. People looking for substantiated knowledge and 'solutions' that work, without harmful side effects. 

We, men and women of My Happy Femily have over 25 years of knowledge and experience in proven to work Vitality solutions. We hereby invite you to participate in the Zoom evenings, where we share our knowledge and experience.

For 2024, two options: 1. Face-to-face meetings or 2. we will organise information evenings as soon as a topical issue arises. In that case, we will invite you by email. Not yet on the email list? Send us your name and email and we'll keep you informed.

After registration for option 1 or 2 by e-mail or filling in the contact form on this page, you will receive a link for the Zoom. 

We look forward to meeting you at the Zoom. Men and women of the Support Team.

Every 1st Monday of the month, we reserve time for face-to-face meetings start at 19.00 PM ((CET or UTC +1)) Topic: Face to face dialogue

Below some idea of what the Men and women of My Happy Femily share their knowledge & experience about  such as:

  • The backgrounds of current vitality issues such as breathing difficulties, what is an infection and how does this occur, why we forget so much and lack concentration, hormonal issues,  why are people so tired, mood swings or why recovery takes so much more time than a few years ago and so on.
  • What can I do to upgrade my vitality, or how to assist my family and/or friends?
  • What Forever Vital solutions do I need? How can I test or monitor what works?
  • What is fear? How does it affect our mental and physical vitality? How can I transcend my fear and turn it into an opportunity for growth and possibilities?
  • How can I optimize my environment with simple solutions? How can I create my own 'charging station’?
  • How can I use my energy and time more efficiently and thereby realize more in the same time? What effect has stress or anxiety on this? 
  • How do I emotionally deal with the many changes that are currently going on? How to come out of a depression or mood swings? Are there other ways? What can I do to increase my emotional stability and therefore my ability to be aware and manifest?
  • What is the future picture for our children? Does it require adjustment and/or a change of direction? What can I contribute to that? 
  • And what else is on the table?

The aim of the meetings is to share working solutions gained through knowledge and experience in practice. For many of us, the need is too urgent to find out everything ourselves. Sharing solutions that have been proven to work, saves us valuable time and in many cases can prevent suffering and sometimes even lives. Moreover, sharing knowledge and experience can lead to unexpected new Vitality enhancing solutions and you may personally experience that we can do much more ourselves than we are conditioned to believe. 

To achieve our goal, we look for a balance between structure, presenting of a theme, and the space for spontaneous constructive input. For the men and women of My Happy Femily applies that the most beautiful thing would be, that this process of sharing brings us closer together, stop the endless competition, of ’wanting to be right', but go for how we can promote and stimulate each other. In this way, we can together lay a new foundation on which our children can build a structured and solution-oriented future. 

Please register here for the Zoom Meeting:

Questions / Topics:

First name:

Family name:



Private initiative of men and women for other men and women who care about vitality for themselves, others and the future. When you engage with us, and or attend meetings or request time in any form of contact, it means that you as a man or as a woman and at your own title agree to the notice on 

My Happy Femily.com